Tuesday, April 12, 2011


There once was a time that seeing my boyfriend on a rooftop would make my stomach jump, and cause me to worry and fret until he was on the ground.

Then, he desensitized me to that.

Being married to a contractor will do that for ya.

Well, apparently, that also goes for my offspring.

When I saw this:

I didn't think twice about grabbing my camera to shoot a few pics.

Apparently, I can consider myself desensitized when it comes to roofing.


Jolene said...

My heart would sink into my stomach! Props to you, mama!

~ said...

Well it looks like you have another little contractor in the making!

I know exactly what you mean though. My husband is in construction and I was the same way the first time I saw him on our roof! Now I'm just out there with him incase I need to call 911, knowing most likely that won't be needed. Our dog still doesn't like him up there though!