Friday, July 30, 2010

Random Friday List

1.  A. was at vbs this week.

2.  Am I a bad mom if I think it was a nice break?

3.  I consulted a chiropractor this week about some tightness in my neck.

4.  He said words like "misalignment, subluxation, nerve damage and xray."

5.  While I don't doubt that I have "issues" I think what he really wants is a lot of money.

6.  I don't have anymore to give.

7.  I had the worst PMS last week.

8.  I even annoyed myself.

9.  Shopping for carpeting and vinyl is giving me a headache.

10.  I think I'm allergic to sale-sy salesmen.


Debbi Does Dinner Healthy said...

Cute blog! Found you at New Friend Friday. Love all the lists! I'll come back and read more. I see that there is some major construction going on but I didn't read enough to see what it was. I'll try to catch up later today!

I have a dieting blog and a recipe blog if you are interested. The recipe blog I update with new recipes several times a week. The dieting blog is basically my personal rambling about trying to lose weight mixed in with some inspiration every once in awhile. Thanks!

Sara @ Embracing Destiny said...

Stopping by from Friday Blog Hop. Following you now! ;0)

Nicki Woo said...

Love your list. My week was just as exciting! following you now, love your blog.

KristinMarieCA said...

Stopping by from Fun Follow Friday! I'm allergic to sales-y salesmen too. I once had a car sales guy try and sell me a vehicle by telling me it was red and matched my coat. No deal! Feel free to stop by and visit my blog any time :) I love new followers!


Sunny said...

Hopped over from Blog Frog via Saturday support. PMS so bad you annoyed yourself!! Girl, its a wonder you could even blog. Its been so long since I had that problem that I really don't remember it (big smile), but there have been times when I have been in such a mood that even I noticed it, so I can relate. this too shall pass, I hope.

Mommy2Four said...

LOL...... I love it.... PMS so bad you annoy yourself!

That was me yesterday.... 100%

Here's to a wonderful, blessed Monday!