Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday Update

I've got approximately 5 minutes and 5 brain cells left.

This leaves you with a thoughts-in-real-time report.

- I'm trying to set up a Skype account.  Every single way I try to do this, they want me to pay either by the minute, or by subscription.  Last I knew, Skype was free.  What the heck?

- I'm making shrimp fried rice tonight for dinner.  Dave is taking the boys out.  This is a consolation prize for A's Cadet's camping/canoe trip getting cancelled at the last minute.  Did I mention shrimp fried rice?  (gf too!)

- I'm hoping to get my craft on tonight as well.  (Hi Michelle and Sarah!)

- I have a friend collecting empty wine bottles.  If you empty your bottle, and you know me in person...please save it for me.  (read: her).  Thanks! (Hi Leah!)

- I have an email pen pal.  I love it.  (Hi Gini!)

- I ordered a cake for Baby L's first birthday.  Half gf and half regular.  I am more than excited!  (Hi Becky!)

- I love friends who hold my feet to the fire and are able to establish boundries.  (Hi Gina!)

-  I've read an entire book in 3 days.  I'm not necessarily feeling all that accomplished, per se....just never happens.  This new book club of mine is pretty impressive.

-  I've learned that you can be both happy and sad at the same exact time.  It's weird.

-  I showed the boys what I have planned for them for Halloween this morning.  They are beside themselves.  (in a good way).

-  I'm in the process of killing more than 2 house plants.  Now no one can ever accuse me of not multi-tasking.

-  Both boys lost teeth this morning- within 15 minutes of each other.  A. lost a molar.  C. lost a top front tooth.  The tooth fairy is depleting her funds quickly here at the Love Shack.

-  Speaking of teeth, Baby L. is a crazy tooth-cutter.  Now, in addition to cutting molars, we found an eye-tooth breaking ground.  Seriously?!?!?!?

-  I'm trying to figure out what to switch Baby L. to in terms of milk.  Right now she's on soy formula.  I will NOT feed her soy milk.  (Formula is isolated, milk is not).  Rice and coconut milks are nothing but sugars.  She can't have almond milk until she's 2.  Cow's milk is not an option (I'm trying to integrate her formula with the "gentle" formula...and it's FAR from successful).  Anyone have any ideas?

Times up.

Over an' out.

1 comment:

Tabitha W said...

I've been reading for a while, but I'll come out of the shadows over here to comment on Skype. It IS definitely still available as a free service. I use it daily, and don't pay.
I wonder if you need to set it up a subscription, and just don't buy one?
I don't know if that will work or not, though.