Friday, October 25, 2013

Bad news / good news

Bad news:  There's a nasty cold in my house
Good news:  I have the opportunity to disinfect everything in sight.

Bad news:  I just realized on Wednesday that someone unfriended me on Facebook.
Good news: They did it 2 years ago, and I *just* noticed...apparently not that big of a deal.

Bad news:  My house is a mess and I am hosting a party tomorrow.
Good news I have the opportunity to disinfect everything in sight!

Bad news:  I think my husband may have broken his toe.
Good news:  It was moving a desk up the stairs so we can organize our family office it was for a good cause. 
Good news:  Who needs toes anyway?

Bad news:  I'm having fears that I may have overdone the Owl theme of Baby L's birthday party.
Good newsNo one will mistake what the theme is!
Bad news: house is still a mess.

Bad news:  It's either allergy or cold season here until we have a good freeze.
Good news Kleenex stock is about to go up.  Buy shares now.

Bad news:  One of my bloggy friends shut down her blog some time ago.
Good news:  We are now email pen pals.  It warms my heart.

Bad news:  I haven't slept in almost a week.
Bad news:  Baby L. has a raging ear infection.

Good news:  My mperks pharmacy rewards are one step closer to the big discount.
Good news:  I get lots of extra cuddles.
Good news:  The Dr. says she should feel (and look) better by her party tomorrow.

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