Friday, October 1, 2010

Random Friday List

1.  I stayed in my pajamas until 1:30 yesterday.

2.  I'd love to say it was because I had a fantastically slothful day.

3.  Nope.

4.  The window treament referenced in my previous post is coming together nicely, actually.

5.  I took last night off to sleep, though.

6.  Tonight's not looking good as we have social plans.

7.  Perhaps by the weekend, the boys will be moved into their new room!

8.  I'm going "craftista crazy" getting wall hangings ready to go on the addition walls.

9.  How many pictures of your kids is too much on a wall?

10.  Because I don't want my living room to become a spooky shrine to my off-spring.


mrsmarkdave said...

It's your home. So as many photos of your boys on the wall as you want is the appropriate amount.

Debbie said...

ha ha! sounds fun! and no amount of pictures is TOO much!!!:) happy early birthday!

Sandy said...

Oh, I beg to differ about the "too much" part. I've been in a couple homes that really creeped me out!

Tough Cookie Mommy said...

Friday was pretty uneventful for me. I worked all day teaching English Language Arts to my eighth grade students. Then I went home to spend time with my boys which was the highlight of my day. I love your blog. I am passing by, following, and leaving my footprints here from Blog Frog. I would love to add you to my followers too.