Wednesday, May 20, 2009

101 Goals


1. Have a garage sale.

2. Organize boxes in the garage.

3. Find bunkbeds for the boys for under $100.

4. Expand garden.

5. Get trees cut down.

6. Clean out broken toys from toy boxes and sand box

7. Clean out my sock drawer and discard holey socks

8. Purchase light fixture for front porch

9. Add more sand to the sandbox

10. Spray the yard for bugs


11. Devise a strategy to increase SCRIP use.

12. Meet or exceed weekly audit goal for 4 weeks straight (0/4)

13. Gather information for MOPS crafts and form schedule.

14. Start blog for Dave's D&J portfolio

15. Set up schedule for working this summer and stick to it

16. Purchase a nice "wedding coordinator" outfit and comfy shoes.

17. Set up contact log for weddings and ministry options for after their big day

18. Clean out SCRIP boxes- at church and at home

19. Organize work projects into folders


20. Start a prayer journal

21. Refrain from yelling for three days straight (includes boys, dog and husband) (0/3)

22. Think ONLY positive thoughts and say positive things for 3 days straight (0/3)

23. Attend one seminar focused on improving some aspect of my life.

24. Finish the Ministry of Motherhood and apply to daily living


25. Stick to uber healthy eating plan for 7 consecutive days (no cheating!) (0/7)

26. Work out three times in one week (1/3)

27. Work out 3x/week for 4 consecutive weeks (0/4)

28. Join a class designed to help me learn about healthy living

29. Drink 4 purple jugs of water every day for 7 days (7/7)

30. Research and obtain healthy and effective cleaners for the house.

31. Get Adam's hearing tested.

32. Visit the farmer's market.

33. Go for a family walk 4 Sundays (0/4)

34. Give up sugar for 14 consecutive days (0/14)

35. Play a game of kickball

36. Give up pop (again) for 3 weeks (3/3)

37. Get my old rollerblades out and use them


38. Surprise my kids once a week for four weeks (1/4)

39. Make decision about Adam's school for next year

40. Teach Adam to ride a two-wheeler

41. Assemble Adam's computer and load educational games

42. Research and order reading cirriculum for the summer

43. Start Colin's scrapbook

44. Help the boys start their own garden

45. Enroll Colin in a music class

46. Enroll Adam in one activity

47. Build a fort with the boys

48. Run through the sprinklers with the boys

49. Visit a zoo that we've never been to before

50. Teach Adam all the lower case letters

51. Start Adam on FPU Jr.

52. Find a summer hat that Colin will keep on his head!

53. Allow Adam to help me cook/ bake something in the kitchen

54. Help Adam with his first loose tooth


55. Figure out 5 ways to show my husband I love and respect him.

56. Take a friend out for coffee

57. Send a card to a friend- just because

58. Meet Elliot Teeple

59. Find someone starting a business and support them

60. Have a friend or family member over for dinner

61. Have dinner with Jeannie three times (1/3)

62. Reconnect with an old friend I've lost touch with

63. Go for drinks with Karen

64. Go out on a date with Dave

65. Invite 3 friends to the zoo (1/3)

66. Visit the Hulsts

67. Have a family bonfire

78. Visit an outlet mall with Erika

69. Start a family movie/pizza night

70. Have a Girl's night out with Rochelle

71. Take Adam on a mommy-and-me date


72. Visit the dentist

73. Update checking ledger everyday for 30 consecutive days (0/30)

74. Plan dinners for 2 consecutive weeks (0/2)

75. Clean my jewelry

76. Back up all my digital photos to a cd


77. Introduce myself to every person on our street

78. Call in to a radio talk show

79. Introduce ourselves to a little boy we saw across Cascade

80. Sell something on Craigslist or ebay.

81. Invite someone to church with us

82. Unplug the TV for 2 consecutive days (0/2)


83. Get a new hair style

84. Go camping with the boys

85. Plan a family vacation for next year

86. Get a pedicure

87. Find a pretty collar for Molly

88. Go fishing

89. Learn about Paint Shop Pro

90. Get a family picture taken

91. Get a massage

92. See a chick flick in the theater (popcorn optional)

93. Read The Time Traveler's Wife.

94. Find fun sunglasses for the summer

95. Have a professional make-up consultation

96. Read a fictional romance novel

97. Go bowling

98. Watch fireworks

99. Research gubneratorial candidates and get involved in campaign

100. Find the perfect shade of lipstick

101. SECRET GOAL. This goal will be announced once it has been achieved. A group of select people will be made aware of this goal and will help me get there.

Deadline: May 15, 2011

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