Monday, May 11, 2009

Not Me Monday

So, apparently I'm a Not Me! every other Monday. I don't think I post enough to the blog to be considered and every Monday kind of here goes. My second Not Me! Monday...

  • I did not leave Colin in his crib tent for 25 minutes to finish my nap time projects. Even though he did wake up early from his nap and I had audits scheduled, I did not leave him in there until I completed them. I do not LOVE my crib tent since it keeps him confined until I'm ready for him.

  • I did not invite Molly (our dog) to jump the baby gate so she could eat up the snack crumbs left by the boys. This would be an awful example of laziness and apathy about what goes into our dog's stomach.

  • I did not let Adam put the bike trailer on his bike because Colin wanted to go for a ride and Dave and I were too tired to take them out. The following picture was not taken:

Thigns I did not say during the past two weeks:
  • No, Adam the bank teller is not a leprechaun. He's probably from Ireland- that's why he talks that way.
  • Boys, I love to cuddle with you, but can you get OFF ME PLEASE!!


Rach said...

aye....but tellers of banks always stealin yer lucky charms!

Liz said...

Training wheels and a bike trailer...awesome!