Thursday, May 31, 2012


Today marks the beginning of my 20th week of this little surprise.

20 weeks.

Half way to 40.


It seems as though it's flown by, and then again it seems like I've been pregnant forever.

And then, I think that I have only 20 more weeks to be pregnant ever. 

Only 20 more weeks for my front row seat of one of the greatest miracles that God lets us have a hand in.

So, here's some interesting tidbits of information Numero Tres:

1.  I still get very gaggy.  Riding in the car over the weekend (on our trip down memory lane), brushing my teeth, nasal rinsing, and certain smells (like eggs cooking and old people smell) will quickly put me over the edge.  My gag reflex seems to have missed the memo that we are in the second trimester.

2.  I have no gut feeling as to the sex of this baby.  None whatsoever.  With A, I knew right away.  Seriously....the second line showed up, and I thought, "I'm pregnant and it's a boy."  With C, I knew when I saw his face profile at the ultrasound.  Up until that point, I actually thought he was a girl...but when I saw his face...I knew.  Right now, I have no feeling one way or the other (but we all know that I'm ok with that!).  This is most certainly the pregnancy of surprises.

3.  I'm craving fruit.  Lots of it.  Right now, I'm in LOVE with apples.  I still love cantaloupe, but the past few trips to our grocery store have left me with a grody I moved on to apples.  And strawberries.  Thank goodness they (the strawberries) are in season, and I'm going picking next week!  Whoot!

4.  I've gained 5 pounds.  This is WAY less than I gained with A. at this point (24), and more than I gained with C. at this point (2).  But I talked over my nutrition with my Dr. and my starting weight and lower weight-gain goals, and we're all on the same page.  My last appointment went so well that the Dr. gave me an ok to start walking and doing yoga/pilates as long as it doesn't start my contractions up again.  So far, prenatal pilates seem to work pretty well.

5.  I'm not as tired this time around.  I do get tired, don't get me wrong...but with both boys I needed WAY more sleep than I do now.  I was horribly exhausted all the time with the boys, and pulling myself out of bed every morning was an amazing feat.  Now, I'm wide awake at 6:30 (not quite jumping out of bed, but not dreading moving either). I'm thinking that the fact that my body isn't reacting to gluten this time around may have a wee little bitty bit to do with that lack of overwhelming fatigue.

Half way.

20 more weeks. 

(give or take a week or two....)

I'm excited to see what surprises God has in store for us with this little one!


Anonymous said...

20 weeks - wow! I also feel like you've been pregnant forever but I know this second half is going to FLY by!

Sarann said...

Yay, half way there! I had the extra gag reflex this time around too, especially with teeth brushing. I went away at maybe 23-24 weeks. Your bump is looking great!

Mama M. said...

Love it. And that bump is adorable!! Keep those pics coming...I'm living vicariously through you!

Keri said...

You've gained 5 pounds in 20 weeks?!? Wow. I gained 5 pounds last week...