Tuesday, November 23, 2010


- D is still healthy and now 34 - thanks for your thoughts and emails.  Knock on wood.

- I have tackled 12 loads of laundry today.  No joking.

- I have 1 laundry basket filled with probably no less than 1000 socks.  Perhaps a slight overexaggeration.

- I had one awesome delivery today, and one 13 days ago.  Same things, but different.  Can't wait to share them with you.

- I went the library today to get books and videos.  There was "something wrong with my account."  My lack of counting my due dates ended up in $20 of late fees.  (sigh)

- I'm getting a full foil low light on Saturday for $40.  Can't wait.

- Jon Bon Jovi looks SO much better with 6 inches less of hair.

- I have 8 Christmas presents to make this weekend.

- I will be doing ZERO shopping this weekend.

- I lost 4 pounds with the stomach flu.  I knew it was good for something.

- I have not been on my treadmill in over 7 days.

- Ok....8 days.

-  Well, more like 10 days.


mrsmarkdave said...

Oh my goodness. That poor treadmill probably misses you. That made me laugh out loud.

Heather said...

Congrats on the laundry success!

Kate said...

I had the stomach flu and I don't think I lost anything! Boo.

I have a sock basket too!