Wednesday, March 16, 2011

One of things is doing its own of these things does not belong...

One of these nightstands is original.

One is not.

Other than the wierd lighting
(one is next to the window, the other is shoved in a darker corner)

Can you tell which one is not the original?

P.S.  My husband ROCKS!


Mama M. said...

Seriously? Wow.

Um...I could use some night stands. Maybe some shelves. A new dining room table (and chairs) know, if he ever has any extra time on his hands!

mrsmarkdave said...

Wow! I agree. He's really good. Very talented.

Big Fat Gini said...

Wow! Yeah. Our bedroom has one night stand that came with our set and one side table from my husband's grandmother. We don't actually try very hard around here.