Thursday, March 24, 2011


It seems like everything is back for an encore performance.

I thought we were done with winter.

Encore:  One more round of ice storms (complete with thunder and lightning?!?!) and snow days/delays.

I thought we were done with sickness.

Encore:  The super mega cold ended up as influenza.  And has now spread to my husband.

I thought I was getting better from the influenza, and talked myself into a workout on Monday.

Encore:  Backslide.  I'm not very smart sometimes.

I thought we were all potty trained.

Encore:  Someone  *cough, cough, C. cough cough* peed on my new couch because he didn't want to miss his show on TV.

Sometimes the encore isn't worth clapping over.


Big Fat Gini said...

Sounds less like an encore and more like a horror movie sequel. Sorry for the rough couple of days! May Friday bring you some good news!

Sandy S. said...

Oh no! I hope you feel better soon...and it's spring, so maybe the snow and ice will go away for good now!