Thursday, February 18, 2010

Pictures before and after

I'm beginning to look forward to these Thursday before and after posts!
It give me an excuse to get into my photo archives.
You can see more by going to Monica's blog.

Here's a picture I thought about putting on our Christmas card, but another one won out.

I love that they are playing with the same ladder- could skip the sun overpowering them, but that's just me.

Straight out of the camera:


(cropped, sienna'd, warmed, saturated, and glowed)


Jennifer said...


I love playing with photo editing programs!!!

~ Jennifer

Krista Lucas said...

that's really cute! i like the shot, and the brown tone is so lovely.

Unknown said...

Happy FF!! I’m a new follower. Come visit me on my blog.

Pixel Perfect said...

Such a cute picture of your boys! Thank you for participating once again!!
