Friday, July 15, 2011

Random Friday Post and 5QF

1.  Somehow, over the course of the past week, I hurt my back.

2.  I just thought that the dull pain I was having in Wisconsin was due to a strange mattress.

3.  But its getting worse.

4.  And I'm not sleeping anymore.

5.  I can't figure out if its nerve, muscle, or organ pain.

6.  Whatever it is, it's a LOT of pain.

7.  I just spent 6 random friday points complaining of my back.

8.  Harry Potter opened last night.

9.  I never got into Harry Potter.

10.  I never got into Twilight either.  Just not for me, I guess.

1. If you knew your best friend's spouse was cheating on her or him, would you tell her (him)?

If I knew, without a shadow of a doubt, that a husband was cheating on my friend, then YES - absolutely.  However, if there's doubt that he is, I'm not one to start rumors or insecurities within a marriage.  You need to make sure the facts are correct. 

2. Soda in a can or a bottle?

Neither.  I no longer drink pop.  I've been off the "sauce" for 3 years now, and honestly...I don't miss it.
3. What do you wash first, hair or body?

Since the hair takes so long, I start the hair process before washing the body.  By the time I'm done washing my body, it's time to rinse the conditioner.

4. What advice would you give to any new mama?

Find your groove.  This is a big change and it's amazingly overwhelming.  Everyone has an opinion on the best way for you to raise your baby.  Diapering, nursing, sleeping, foods, toys, education....blah blah blah.  If you're parenting to everyone else's expectations, you'll likely have a nervous breakdown.  Find your own groove and enjoy the journey.

5. What is your best hangover remedy?

Sugar (in food form), water, and ibuprofen.  Half the reason you're feeling lousy is because you're dehydrated or your blood sugar is too low.  Get those two levels back up into the "happy" range, and life will be much more pleasant for you and those around you.  :)

Have a great weekend!  It's supposed to get hot and muggy here - REALLY glad I'm living in a house with air conditioning!


Amanda Z said...

Now following your blog through the 5Qf! Love your site : ) I am hosting a giveaway on my blog you might be interested in. Have a great weekend! :)

Nay said...

New follower through 5QF, too:)
Off the "sauce", love it! I also ♥love♥ the look of family love your bloggy has - sweet!

Anonymous said...

Boo to backs hurting but hip hip horray to air conditioning!

Mama M. said...

Supposed to get hot and muggy here, too...but currently, it's apparently Monsoon season. Weird.

Loved your mama advice...poifect, my friend!

Mama M. said...

Supposed to get hot and muggy here, too...but currently, it's apparently Monsoon season. Weird.

Loved your mama advice...poifect, my friend!

Mama M. said...

Oops, double comment...going for the trifecta with this one!