Five question Friday is on hiatus this week. My dear friend, Mama M. is in the hospital with a sick little lady. Go give her some love, would ya? Thanks.
And since I'm not sitting in a hospital room (knock on wood), Random Friday List plugs on...
1. I'm 40 comments away from a comment goal on the other blog I work on.
2. My Advanced Nutrition class drew to a close last night.
3. I was the biggest looser in the class.
4. So grateful. (that something is FINALLY working!)
5. My secret goal has been put on "hold" for the week. (we have influenza)
6. I'm not sure its much of a secret anymore.
7. I'm working on obtaining plants for inside my house.
8. So far, I have two that I've managed to keep alive for more than 3 weeks.
9. The boys are off school today.
10. Wish me luck for a productive day at work (psssh).
3. Except my to-do list is long and distinguished.
4. Oh well, what doesn't get done...just doesn't get done.
5. I'm making note that we need to teach C. about appropriate urination in public this summer.
6. I think he came in to use the bathroom once yesterday.
7. I'm making strides toward my "secret goal," and I'm quite jazzed about it.
8. I need to make a dentist appointment.
9. It's been too long since my last check up.
10. I'm craving blueberries and strawberries.
1. Have you ever testified in court? For what?
No. I guess I don't hang with the right crowd for that.
2. Do you still have your wedding dress?
Yes. It's been preserved, and is residing in a box at my parent's house until our house is finished and deemed moisture free.
3. Is there a special place you like to go when you're happy, sad, stressed, etc.?
Ummm, back to bed? Well, that's for the sad or stressed.
Or, just asking my boys for a cuddle session on the couch...that's pretty awesome too.
4. If you have kids, do they sleep with you? If you don't have kids...will you let your kids sleep with you when/if you have them?
Before kids, we ALWAYS said that we won't allow kids in our bed. We stuck to it really well with A. But with C's asthma...well, it's just a different story. When you hear your child gasping for breath over a baby monitor, its a scary 2-story stair climb. (Especially for a mama who has little to no adrenal function!) We've been pretty good at seeing the triggers before bedtime and just pulling him into bed with us. That way we can just deal with the asthma when/if it comes throughout the night.
BUT, we didn't even THINK about this until C. was at least 2 years old. I'm not a fan of co-cleeping with infants. Not judging, just not a fan for our situation.
5. Do you watch late night TV?
Not usually. If there's a special on or something, I can stay up late...but always regret it the next day. Sleep is a hot commodity in our house, and not something I'm really eager to give up!
2. I'm not a JAM PACKED schedule person by nature.
3. It stresses me out.
4. I need to remind myself to enjoy where I'm at this weekend.
5. Instead of stressing about where I need to get to in the next x-minutes.
6. Today is Daddy Day at C's preschool.
7. They're both excited.
8. C is MOST excited about riding in daddy's work van coming home.
9. He even wore his "daddy shirt" today - since it has tools on it.
10. I think I'll wear a "daddy shirt" to our date on Saturday...but it doesn't have tools on it. :)
Ok, Five Question Friday!!!
1. Do you know what your REAL hair color is?
Yes, I do thankyouverymuch. It's a dirty dish water blond. I used to complain about it, but having that kind of base color is actually the perfect foundation for any highlight or lowlight I choose.
I used to go all high lights, and then after I saw the brassy-ness of my hair in C's baptism pictures, we started gradually going darker with more lowlights. This last time...well, I totally committed to all low lights and a little red. :) Makes me happy.
2. Do you plan ahead for summer, or fly by the seat of your pants?
Ummmm...both. I try to have a planned activity for the boys at least once a month - camp, vbs, camping, basketball, zoo school, whatever.
Then, we have other smaller activities that we fill in with: zoo, swimming, hiking, play dates, etc.
4. Do you get offended by not receiving thank yous?
Not really "offended."
But I think that the receiver of my gift isn't very appreciative of it or the effort I put into getting that gift. But, on the other hand, I LOVE giving...I'm a giver by nature, and we're taught to have servant's hearts too.
I just think that we're not impressing on our children a feeling of gratitude and thankfulness. We're already battling a generation of entitlement coming into the workforce right now. I, for one, don't want my children thinking they're entitled to anything and need to show come common courtesy to say "thank you."
5. How did you meet your best friend?
I have two.
I met Gina in 9th grade. We actually didn't like each other at first. She had transferred in from a place she loved and had quite the chip on her shoulder. And I was fresh out of parochial school - wwwwaaayyyy too eager to make new friends. We warmed up to each other throughout Algebra in 9th grade, and were acquaintances until Senior year. The summer after senior year, we were inseparable. We've managed to maintain a very close relationship even though many miles separate us.
I met Melody at a wedding rehearsal a few years ago. She was the only one that noticed I wasn't eating or drinking the beer and pizza offered. So, I explained to her everything that was happening with me being gluten free, and we talked for about the whole 3 hours we were there. After the wedding, I didn't see her much until she started the nutrition classes with me. Now we text at least 20 times a day, and try to see each other as much as possible with our crazy lives.
I'm coming to the realization that I'm stretched too thin.
Usually, it doesn't all converge on one weekend.
But, this weekend is the culmination of "over-committed."
And while I sit here in a confused cloud over who to disappoint more.
...I'm realizing that there's need for prioritization in my life.
And with Ash Wednesday right around the corner,
I think its high time I prioritize things quickly,
Pray about them,
And work my way through Lent.
With lots and lots of prayer.
So, here's the things that I'm going to work on:
1. Stop being judgemental. Gosh, I'm going to struggle with this one. I'm so horribly judgemental. This is a sin I've committed against just abouteverybody at some point in time. Seriously, I need to work on this. I do NOT want to live like a pious pharisee. BUT, included in this is also the ability to stop judging myself in an unhealthy way.
2. Being intentional about movement. Physical movement. Exercisal excursion. Minimum of 20 minutes per day. Minimum.
3. Establish boundaries. Healthy boundaries. Between volunteer projects, work, home life, kids, friends, etc. I recently had a friend establish a boundary with me that had not originally been there. I won't lie and say it didn't hurt. It did. But these are healthy growing pains, and in the end, our relationship will be better for it once we redevelop healthy expectations. But it's also made me realize that I've let work overpower my time with my family. I've let volunteer work push the boundary of time with my family. I've let friends overpower time with my family. See a pattern here? It's something that needs to be fixed.
Normally, I wouldn't post something so personal on here- such a public forum. But, I've learned that this blog is a good way to keep my support system active. All you who pray for me, and care about me...well, this is a way I can reach out to you. This is the most direct means of getting my prayer warriors into action.
Which brings me back to the original question: which boundary am I going to set, and who am I going to choose to disappoint this weekend?
2. It's never "just a cold" for an asthmatic child.
3. I'm carrying on two conversations via text right now.
4. One with my friend, Melody and the other with my cousin, Kris.
5. Both are talking about magnesium.
6. Love chemistry!
7. I'm drinking Michigan Maple coffee.
8. If the whole world could drink Michigan Maple coffee, the world would be a better place.
9. You'll remember that I'm also addicted to Amaretto and White Heather coffee.
10. As Homer Simpson would say, "mmmmm, coffee."
Ok, 5QF.
If you want to play along, simply click on the icon below and head over to link up!
1. Have you ever forgotten your child in a store or at school?
No, thankfully I can say that I haven't. I have forgotten to "watch" my children while at school/church...and they've wondered off....which then results in 3-4 staff members who are looking for my child....but I always remember to leave with them in tow.
2. Where did you go on your very first date? (Like...first first, not first with your spouse or current significant other!)
Oh gosh...I honestly don't remember. And, to me at least, it really doesn't matter. They were all just "means to an end" to find my awesome husband.
3. What's your "silly" fear? (We're not talking water and heights.)
Beetles. I hate beetles.
4. Confrontation: do you cause it, deal with is as it comes, or run far far away?
At some point in my life, I've done all three.
BUT, on a regular basis...I'd have to say I'm a "deal with it as it comes" kind of person. It doesn't scare me in the slightest - and I have no problem holding my ground.
I wish I could also say I have no problem also admitting when I'm wrong....
....grr, stupid pride.
5. Wood floors or carpet?
You know, if I could, I'd do nothing but wood throughout the house. Yes, throughout.
First, I have an asthmatic child. Carpet holds dust, hair, etc.
Also, I'm reading all these books about nutrition and toxins, etc. ALL of them talk about the dangers of plastic in our lives. All of them. The plastics in the fibers of the carpet ... well, the lists kinda scare me.
I just keep reminding myself that we live in a modern society and it's all a continuum, right?
In spring 2005, we shoe-horned our family of 3 (and a 100 pound dog) into the 780 sq. ft. house. SEVEN years of stuff and another son later, we're in the new side! An unexpected pregnancy pushed our progress even faster, and now the old side has been torn down, and is currently being rebuilt to accommodate our GROWING family! Updates come frequently, so be sure to keep stopping by for new pictures.
1. Have a garage sale.
2. Organize boxes in the garage.
3. Find bunkbeds for the boys for under $100.
4. Expand garden.
5. Get trees cut down.
6. Clean out broken toys from toy boxes and sand box
7. Clean out my sock drawer and discard holey socks
8. Purchase light fixture for front porch
9. Add more sand to the sandbox
10. Spray the yard for bugs
11. Devise a strategy to increase SCRIP use.
12. Meet or exceed weekly audit goal for 4 weeks straight (6/4)
13. Gather information for MOPS crafts and form schedule.
14. Start blog or website for D's D&J portfolio
15. Set up schedule for working this summer and stick to it
16. Find a secondary way to earn additional income.
17. Set up a successful PTL budget with committee leaders in place.
18. Clean out SCRIP boxes- at church and at home
19. Organize work projects into folders
20. Start a prayer journal
21. Refrain from yelling for three days straight (includes boys, dog and husband) (0/3)
22. Think ONLY positive thoughts and say positive things for 3 days straight (0/3)
23. Attend one seminar focused on improving some aspect of my life.
24. Finish the Ministry of Motherhood and apply to daily living
25. Stick to uber healthy eating plan for 7 consecutive days (no cheating!) (7/7)
26. Work out three times in one week (3/3)
27. Work out 3x/week for 4 consecutive weeks (4/4)
28. Join a class designed to help me learn about healthy living
29. Drink 4 purple jugs of water every day for 7 days (7/7)
30. Research and obtain healthy and effective cleaners for the house.
31. Get A's hearing tested.
32. Visit the farmer's market.
33. Go for a family walk 4 Sundays (1/4)
34. Give up sugar for 14 consecutive days (14/14)
35. Play a game of kickball
36. Give up pop (again) for 3 weeks (3/3)
37. Get my old rollerblades out and use them
38. Surprise my kids once a week for four weeks (1/4)
39. Make decision about A's school for next year
40. Teach A to ride a two-wheeler
41. Assemble A's computer and load educational games
42. Research and order reading cirriculum for the summer
43. Start C's scrapbook
44. Help the boys start their own garden
45. Enroll C in a sport
46. Enroll A in one activity
47. Build a fort with the boys
48. Run through the sprinklers with the boys
49. Visit a zoo that we've never been to before
50. Teach A all the lower case letters
51. Start A on FPU Jr.
52. Find a summer hat that C will keep on his head!
53. Allow A to help me cook/ bake something in the kitchen
54. Help A with his first loose tooth
55. Figure out 5 ways to show my husband I love and respect him.
56. Take a friend out for coffee
57. Send a card to a friend- just because
58. Meet Elliot T.
59. Find someone starting a business and support them
60. Have a friend or family member over for dinner
61. Have dinner with Jeannie three times (3/3)
62. Reconnect with an old friend I've lost touch with
63. Go for drinks with Karen
64. Go out on a date with D
65. Invite 3 friends to the zoo (3/3)
66. Visit the Hulsts
67. Have a family bonfire
68. Visit an outlet mall with a friend
69. Start a family movie/pizza night
70. Have a Girl's night out with Rochelle
71. Take A on a mommy-and-me date
72. Visit the dentist.
73. Update checking ledger everyday for 30 consecutive days (30/30)
74. Plan dinners for 2 consecutive weeks (4/2)
75. Clean my jewelry
76. Back up all my digital photos
77. Introduce myself to every person on our street
78. Call in to a radio talk show
79. Learn how to knit
80. Sell something on Craigslist or ebay.
81. Invite someone to church with us
82. Unplug the TV for 2 consecutive days (0/2)
83. Get a new hair style
84. Go camping with the boys
85. Plan a family vacation for next year
86. Get a pedicure
87. Find a pretty collar for Molly
88. Go fishing
89. Drive all the way around Lake Michigan.
90. Get a family picture taken
91. Get a massage
92. See a chick flick in the theater (popcorn optional)
93. Read The Time Traveler's Wife.
94. Find fun sunglasses for the summer
95. Have a professional make-up consultation
96. Read a fictional romance novel
97. Go bowling
98. Watch fireworks
99. Take the boys on a roadtrip
100. Find the perfect shade of lipstick
101. SECRET GOAL. This goal will be announced once it has been achieved. A group of select people will be made aware of this goal and will help me get there. NOT SO SECRET ANYMORE! COMPLETE A 5K!!! I DID IT!!!!