Then I remember the semi-comatose state that you're in for the first 6 months, and I think I'll pass. Being urinated on, mastitis, hormones, ugh.
In a matter of a few days, we have made a few more steps away from that time in our lives. Here's some documentation:
The baby gate from the kitchen to the living room is down. I loved this gate, it was my salvation during dinner time preparation. Colin figured out how to open it- then Adam broke it was just in the way. Now its not.
Since seeing the little potty yesterday, Colin has gone in it twice- all self-initiated. He asked to go potty, we got his diaper off, and he sat on it and went. I'm sooo hoping this is a continuing trend for him!!!
Our puppy is a blue Weimaraner...they're usually silver (or gray) but she's blue! (Her litter was a mixture of blue and silver.) We did get her from a breeder...a great breeder, actually! We were really pleased with him and how he treated his dogs and the litter.
PS I ADORE that training potty! It's so cute with the oversized flusher and the faces on the toilet paper! :D
Wow! Crazy how one minute you are that sleep deprived, horomone crazed mama, and the next they're potty training? Sounds like our household...gate just got put away and potty chair's out for "familiarization"!! Good luck!
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